ATTENTION "Ready to find your dream wedding venue? Explore the possibilities at our stunning wedding hall."

"Stress-free wedding planning! We offer all-inclusive wedding packages to ensure your special day is flawless."

"Looking for an intimate wedding for close family? Our cozy hall provides a warm and personal ambiance."

Host your dream wedding in style!

"What will your wedding day look like? Let us help you create a magical celebration at our versatile venue." !

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Who Should Choose this wedding Hall?


our gallery

If your Answer is Yes to any one questions❓

“Budget-friendly weddings? We offer affordable packages that won’t compromise on style or elegance”

And a lot more other questions!


“Sri Ranganathan Ranjitham mahal A/C / SRV Mini Conference hall”

Your one stop solution for your Dream wedding💯,
Confidence😎 and connection🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 with your pair,
Elevate your wedding to lovable memories.

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Why customers can choose This wedding hall?

Check Out What My Previous Clients Have To Say

But Wait!!!

I’ve Something More For You!

Priced ₹ 19999/-

Priced ₹ 1,9999/-

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Frequently Asked Questions

Even if the information is available on the internet, it is not arranged in a proper & distinct way that will help you to make a confident decision. This workshop will help you get a customized solution for your child career which no one is providing.

The “Viewer Into Buyer” is a 3-hours Live Value Packed Workshop.

On [Date, Day]

Time: 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM IST

After registration, you’ll be added to a Whatsapp group where you’ll receive the zoom link to join the masterclass an hour before.

You’ll also receive emails containing further information about the masterclass instantly after registering.

No recordings are provided to ensure every registrant attends the workshop live and gets the best out of the workshop..

Make sure you come 10 mins before the scheduled time and have a simple notebook and pen to write the important points you find during the workshop.

It is advisable to attend the workshop on PC and with good internet connectivity for a better learning experience.

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